
Найдено 1 определение
   • Cognitio,
         в обширнейшем смысле есть судебное расследование и решение правительства, в противоположность расследованию и решению судьи; оно обыкновенно отмечалось словами: extra ordinem.

Источник: Реальный словарь классических древностей. 1884

Найдено научных статей по теме — 15

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Irreflexive forms of cognition in the context of the conception of natural informational systems

Serdyukov Yuriy Mikhailovich
The article «Non-reflexive Forms of Cognition in the Context of Natural Information Systems Concept» deals with the cognitive structure of the subject as the unity of three natural information systems: genetic, sensory and mental.
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Art as cognition of life. Selected writings. 1911-1936. Aleksandr Konstantinovich Voronsky. Translat

Овчаренко А. Ю.
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«Социальная когниция и шизофрения». P. W. Corrigan, D. L. Penn (eds. ). "social cognition and Schizo

Рычкова О. В.
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Social cognition. Practical psychology of management

Bazarov Takhir Yu
Management as a form of cognition implies gaining new experience and knowledge, particularly about oneself. Traditionally, the psychology of social cognition distinguishes between an object and a subject of cognition (i.e.
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Interpersonal cognition and methods of its development in future teachers

Rozhdestvenskaya Natalia A.
This article deals with researches on the cognitive component of interpersonal cognition and studies a possibility of improving it during teachers education.
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Structural approach to dialectic cognition

Veraksa Nikolay E.
The author views dialectic cognition as an integral and unique process, which is based on dialectical logic the logic of operating opposites.
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Cyclic cortical reorganization, phase reset and the development of cognition

Thatcher Robert W.
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Language, Cognition and Culture in Eco-Narratives

Soloshenko Alena Vladimirovna
This paper represents the on-going project in ecolinguistics titled “ECOWord”. The main objective of the project is to bring about suitable answers to the questions of human-nature relationships reflected in eco-related texts.
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Paradoxes of human cognition

Djidjian Robert
This paper presents the main paradoxes of the theory of human cognition, namely the paradoxes of epistemology and methodology. Each of paradoxes is given its laconic solution using a more strict definition of relevant concepts.
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Patterns of cognitive, neurological, and mental dysfunctions as risk factors of Alzheimer disease in

Trembak I. E., Selezneva N. D., Gavrilova S. I.
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Understanding horizons in methodology of socially-humanitarian cognition

Viktoruk Elena N., Chernyeva Alexandra S.
In the given article we consider the conditions and perspectives of development of understanding.
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Veklenko Pavel V.
The article gives a general description of the situational approach to solving problems of the social-human cognition.
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Face cognition in humans: psychophysiological, developmental, and cross-cultural aspects

Chernorizov Alexander M., Zhongqing Jiang, Petrakova Anastasia V., Zinchenko Yuri P.
Investigators are finding increasing evidence for cross-cultural specificity in face cognition along with individual characteristics.
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Evil as a subject of sociological cognition: methodological reflections

Khagurov Temyr
In this article, the question of opportunities and boundaries of scientific research of the evil is considered.
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Animal learned genetic cognition and the limits of anthropomorphic approach

Robert Djidjian, Rima Avalyan
This article discusses the cognitive function of instincts in animal world.