
Найдено 1 определение
   • Cognitio,
         в обширнейшем смысле есть судебное расследование и решение правительства, в противоположность расследованию и решению судьи; оно обыкновенно отмечалось словами: extra ordinem.

Источник: Реальный словарь классических древностей. 1884

Найдено научных статей по теме — 15

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Cognitive dialog games as cognitive assistants: tracking and adapting knowledge and interactions in

Karahoca Adem, Yengin Ilker, Karahoca Dilek
This study introduces a system design in a form of cognitive dialog game (DiaCog) to support pedagogical factors and student learning model ideas.
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Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Predictors of the Unified State Exam Performance of Students from School

Ivan A. Voronin, Olga N. Ovcharova, Elizaveta M. Bezrukova, Yulia Kovas
Background. Exams such as the SAT, ACT, and GCSE are used to give an account of educational outcomes and provide a unified criterion for university admission. The Unified State Exam (USE) aims to fulfill these functions in Russia.
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Cognitive maps for expert analysis of interrelations between the risk factors and their role in fire

Представлена и рассмотрена оригинальная техника качественной и количественной оценки характера отношений между определенными раньше факторами обусловливающими уровень безопасности здания в случае разгорения в нём пожара.
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Zandanova Larisa V.
In the article the author studies problems of the country modernization and the related processes of agricultural collectivization and dekulakization (the peasantry dispossession of “kulaks” wealthy peasants), which caused the nec
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Irreflexive forms of cognition in the context of the conception of natural informational systems

Serdyukov Yuriy Mikhailovich
The article «Non-reflexive Forms of Cognition in the Context of Natural Information Systems Concept» deals with the cognitive structure of the subject as the unity of three natural information systems: genetic, sensory and mental.
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Art as cognition of life. Selected writings. 1911-1936. Aleksandr Konstantinovich Voronsky. Translat

Овчаренко А. Ю.
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2010. 03. 008. Тобин В. Когнитивное предубеждение и поэтика неожиданного. Tobin v. Cognitive bias an

Лозинская Е. В.
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Cognitivism or narratology in the interpretation of excerpts from “under the yoke”

Tarashev Angel, Kutsarova Andonia, Kraevska Antoaneta, Andonova Maya
The repetition of events and character descriptions in Under the Yoke is well known. This repetition can be interpreted either through the prism of cognitivism or through that of narratology.
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Patterns of cognitive, neurological, and mental dysfunctions as risk factors of Alzheimer disease in

Trembak I. E., Selezneva N. D., Gavrilova S. I.
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Distinct physiological, behavioral and cognitive features of chronically stressed mice with and with

Strekalova T. , Bartsch D.
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The influence of aromas essential oils on cognitive processes in individuals with different level of

Kravchenko V. I., Makarchuk M. J.
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Negative life events and syndrome of mild cognitive impairment in old age

Fedorova Y. B., Roschina I. F.
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«Социальная когниция и шизофрения». P. W. Corrigan, D. L. Penn (eds. ). "social cognition and Schizo

Рычкова О. В.
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Social cognition. Practical psychology of management

Bazarov Takhir Yu
Management as a form of cognition implies gaining new experience and knowledge, particularly about oneself. Traditionally, the psychology of social cognition distinguishes between an object and a subject of cognition (i.e.
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Interpersonal cognition and methods of its development in future teachers

Rozhdestvenskaya Natalia A.
This article deals with researches on the cognitive component of interpersonal cognition and studies a possibility of improving it during teachers education.